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Death Annversary of LN Larma Observed in Dhaka

24th death a=niversary of M N Larma o=served in Dhaka

24th death anniversary of founder o= the PCJSS, pioneer of the indigenous Jumma peoples and former Member of P=rliament Manabendra Narayan Larma was observed by National Committee on Ob=ervation of 24th Death Anniversary of M N Larma at National Pre=s Club auditorium in Dha=a on 10 Nov=mber 2007. On the occasi=n, the National Committee organised placing , blood donation programme and ha=f-day discussion meeting.

Prof. Zillur Rahman Siddique, former Vice Chan=ellor of Dhaka University and Convenor of National Committee on Observatio= of 24th Death Anniversary of M N Larma presided over the discu=sion meeting and Manzuzul Ahshan Khan, President of Communist Party of Ban=ladesh inaugurated the blood donation programme.

Dr. Kamal Hossain, eminent lawyer and Presiden= of Gono Forum attended the meeting as guest speaker and Mr. Syed Abul Maksud, eminent journalist presented the keyn=te paper on life and thought of M N Larma. Among other, Pankaj Bhattachary=, presidium member of Gono Forum; Haider Akbar Khan Rano, politburo member=of Bangladesh Workers’ Party; Abdullah Sarkar, Bangladesh Socialis= Party; Jyotiprova Larma, elder sister of MN Larma and vice president Parb=ya Chattagram Mahila Samiti; Rokeya Kabir, women’s right activist =nd Rabindranath Soren, general secretary of Jatiya Adivasi Parishad also s=oke at the discussion which was conducted by Sanjeeb Drong, general secret=ry of Bangladesh Adivasi Forum.

Participants and speakers at a=discussion paid tributes to M N Larma. The speakers said that M N Larma di= not fight for the leadership but to establish the rights of deprived peop=e of the society. The speakers said MN Larma was not only a leader of ethn=c minorities but also a leader of all deprived people of the society. The =peakers said MN Larma was the pioneer of Jumma nationalism. They also call=d for constitutional recognition of hill people.

Taking part in the discussion,=Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain said MN Larma maintained his ideolog= till his death. He fought for establishing an indiscriminate society for =ll.

Syed Abul Maksud in his keynot= paper said M N Larma had all the qualifications to become one of the best=parliamentarians in the parliamentary history of Bangladesh. He used to talk very boldly for deprived people of the society i=cluding ethnic minorities as well as poor farmers and daily labourers whil= delivering speech in parliament. But outside the House, he was very frien=ly with everybody.

Participants of the programme =irst placed floral wreath at the portrait of MN Larma. Sandhani, a volunta=y organisation collected the blood.


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