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Showing posts from October, 2007

UNDP and CHT Education

A Policy Analysis of Support to Basic Education in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: Component Formulation Mission (2006,United Nations Development Program-Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility Borendra Lal Tripura, Lecturer, AIUB. Student, Monash Uni 1. Introduction Educational policy analysis is a complex task which involves multidimensional issues that range from justifying its socio-political appropriateness to pedagogic compatibility. In doing a policy analysis, we have to consider the methodological frame-work of policy analysis, understanding the existing socio-cultural, eco-political, historical context, available resources and justification of the policy in the light of existing phenomena mentioned above. Support to Basic Education in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: Component Formulation Mission (2006) (UNDP Mission Report) is the first ever education initiative undertaken in Bangladesh, which takes account of the socio-cultural distinctiveness of the ethnic minority communities ...

Farmers in hills benefit at cost of ecology

The Daily Star Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:08 AM GMT+06:00 Published On: 2007-10-08 National Cultivation of vegetables and spices on Khagrachhari hill slopes causes massive soil erosion, destroys bio-diversity Jashim Majumder, Khagrachhari Vegetable fields on hill slopes in Khagrachhari that causes soil erosion and damages the ecology as natural forests are destroyed. Photo: STAR Vegetable growers in the district are happy with high prices of their produce. They benefit, but at the cost of ecology. They choose hill slopes for growing summer vegetable in rainy season. They clear forests and shrubs and till the lands, which causes massive soil erosion, thereby destroying the natural conditions of hills. Besides change in the ecology, destruction of forests and soil erosion may cause catastrophe like massive landslides, officials of Agriculture Extension Department (AED) said. Landslides triggered by heavy rains killed so many people in Chittagong during the current rainy sea...

Judge Court will benefit CHT people জজ অাদালত হেল সઓফল পােব িতন পাবગতઘ োজলা পઝথম অােলা োডੌ সারা োদেশর মেতা িতন পাবગতઘ োজলা বা੯দরবান, রাঙামািট ও খাগড়াছিড়েতও অাজ বৃহએপিতবার িবচার িবভাগ পৃথক্করণ কাযગকর হে੧ছ৷ অাইনজীবীসহ সংিশઇੈরা উেদઘাগিটেক সંাগত জািনেয়েছন৷ তেব তঁারা বলেছন, এখেনা জজ অাদালত চালઓ না হওয়ায় এ অਗেলর মানઓষ িবচার িবভাগ পৃথক্করেণর পઓেরা সઓফল পােব না৷ সઓিপઝম োকােটગর োরিজઍটચার ইকেতদার অাহ্েমদ পઝথম অােলােক জানান, িতন পাবગতઘ োজলায় োজলা ও দায়রা জজ অাদালত એઐাপন করেত হেল িহল টચઘাਇস মઘানઓয়াল সংেশাধন করেত হেব৷ সઓিপઝম োকাটગ অাইন মੰ੬ণালয়েক এ উেদઘাগ িনেত বেলেছ৷ িশগিগরই এ বઘাপাের িসਤাੰ੪ হেব৷ অামােদর িনজসં পઝিতেবদক ও পઝিতিনিধেদর পাঠােনা পઝিতেবদন: বা੯দরবান: বা੯দরবান োজলায় একিট ও লামা উপেজলায় একিট জઓিডিশয়াল মઘািজেઍটચট অাদালত চালઓ করা হে੧ছ৷ অাজ ভারপઝাਮ িচফ জઓিডিশয়াল মઘািজেઍটચটসহ োজলায় দઓজন জઓিডিশয়াল মઘািজেઍটચট ও লামায় একজন জઓিডিশয়াল মઘািজেઍটચট িতনিট এজলােস িবচারকাজ ੂরઔ করেবন৷ জানা োগেছ, োজলা সদের পઝায় এক হাজার৷ িবিশੈ অাইনজীবী সંপন দাশ ও জয়নাল অােবিদন বেলন, ২০০৩ সােলর সংেশা...

Food Crisis in CHT

Published On: 2007-10-27 Food crisis in remote CHT hills as rats eat up paddy Officials assure of assistance Shantimoy Chakma, Rangamati Indigenous jhum farmers in remote hills in Rangamati are facing a food crisis this year as rats are eating up their paddy. Paddy yield was good this year but the crop is lost due to massive attack by rats, people said. Locally they call it Indur Bonnya (flood of rats) because the numerous rats can not the killed or controlled. There is a saying in the hills that flowering and fruiting of bamboos is followed by food crisis. This year there was flowering and fruiting of bamboos in large scale in different remote hills in Rangamati, Khagrachhari and Bandarban. The Daily Star published a report on it months ago. Paddy harvest is going on in the hills but most farmers are frustrated as little of the yield is left by rats. Some 3779 families in Sazek union under Baghaichhari are passing hard days for want of food as rats destroyed their paddy in fields, loc...

Program Brief: Implementing a Heritage Language Bilingual Education Program for the Primary Schools of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh

Program Brief: Implementing a Heritage Language Bilingual Education Program for the Primary Schools of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh Borendra Lal Tripura Lecturer, AIUB Student, Monash University 1. Introduction Language planning is a crucial task which involves multidimensional issues that ranges from policy approval at the governmental level to classroom instruction. The planning has to consider the existing socio-cultural, eco-political and cognitive factors, as well as available resources. Considering the facts mentioned above which will be discussed in detail later, I am planning an education program for the primary schools of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh in light of the reality of existing phenomena. The topic of my interest is language maintenance and development with special emphasis on minority language. In line with these principles, I found that heritage language bilingual education program is appropriate for my objectives. So I will be exploring and presen...

Prothom Alo | Most popular bangla daily newspaper

Prothom Alo Most popular bangla daily newspaper : " ‘ইঁদઓর-বনઘায়’ জઓিময়ারা অিতੋ োনতা ও কমગকতગােদর োদখােত ইঁদઓর ধের অানেলন গઝামপઝধােনরা হির িকেশার চাকমা, রাঙামািট উপদચেব অিতੋ িবলাইছিড় উপেজলার ফারઔয়া ইউিনয়েনর ৯ নਹর ওয়ােডગর িਠপઓরা, মઓরং ও তਗਔઘা সઃপઝদােয়র গઝামপઝধােনরা ইঁদઓর িনেয় ২৫০ িকেলািম�"

Prothom Alo | Most popular bangla daily newspaper

Prothom Alo Most popular bangla daily newspaper : " ‘ইঁদઓর-বনઘায়’ জઓিময়ারা অিতੋ োনতা ও কমગকতગােদর োদখােত ইঁদઓর ধের অানেলন গઝামপઝধােনরা হির িকেশার চাকমা, রাঙামািট উপদચেব অিতੋ িবলাইছিড় উপেজলার ফারઔয়া ইউিনয়েনর ৯ নਹর ওয়ােডગর িਠপઓরা, মઓরং ও তਗਔઘা সઃপઝদােয়র গઝামপઝধােনরা ইঁদઓর িনেয় ২৫০ িকেলািম�"